Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Normalizing Again

Can you ever really be normal again after something like this happens to you? I'm hoping that I can be. It's been nine days since I lost our sweet baby and it's been a terrible week. The emotional roller coaster has been a very intense ride. But the last few days have been good to me. I can't thank my wonderful friends and family enough for being so loving and supportive during this hard time.

I am leaving in a few days for our Thanksgiving Vacation so I will likely be MIA until I get back. But I'm anxious to get back to writing, especially since I've had some new insight through this most recent experience. I am anxious to get it written, so check back in a couple of weeks and see what this lady has to say!


Jylaire said...

Veronica, I am just so sorry about your loss. I've been out of town, and just heard. Please know that you're in our prayers. Thanks for the inspiration through your writing. I know that you're helping so many people!

Debi (Dubs2007) said...

Normal?? What can that mean? I would write down on paper what it means to you to be normal, then set it aside and get on with life, then in 2 months look at it again and see if that is still what you want.

Normal to me means constant change, and when I accept that it can't be the same - then I feel peace again, when I accept the path God gave me then he can guide me down it, but when my head is fighting, pulling to "normal" or where I think I should be going, How can he show me the gifts down this new path?

With love, and prayers that you will feel your little angel's arms around you,

Debi (Dubs2007) said...

I re-read my comment and I hope you hear it with the love I intended and not harshly... - I have miscarried 5 times, and have had others say it is everybit as difficult as losing a child that was born - lived a few years and died. I am not saying to pretend it didn't happen, or "move on" and forget - just move on and get through each day - accepting the tears as they come, accepting the relief too if it comes, don't judge yourself either way. And cry as long as you need...

Jenni said...

I can only imagine how hard it is to lose a baby. My thoughts & prayers are with you. I look forward to hearing from you again in a few weeks.

Try to have a good thanksgiving :) We all care about you very much.

Farmer Mama said...

Veronica, this blog is amazing and I hope it blesses the many lives it is reaching out to. I think its such a personal look at something that probably many women can relate to or even have been through and I am sure that it will bring much comfort and it amazes me that you have come out the other side and are so much stronger because of what you have endured. Your amazing and you are going to do amazing things in this life and bless many lives through this blog so keep writing freely as you do. BTW a book is a great idea as well because you are a VERY captivating writer. You truely have a gift to write

M+J=K3+E said...

I found your blog through a friends' It has been a roller coaster for me to read. I shed many tears on your behalf. Thank you for sharing your story with so many people. I have had my own set of problems through pregnancy, but no so hard as yours. My own opinion is maybe, just maybe these experiences/hardships you had to face were to help so many people. Your courage to share your story is admirable as I am sure not many people would share it! Good luck to you and God bless. I know the Lord watches over us at all times and even when it seems he has forsaken us, he is ALWAYS there. Thank you once again, I look forward to reading more. Happy Holidays. P.S. I am sorry for your loss. I am thankful that is something I have never had to endure and cry for those who have had too! I hope you know many people are praying for you out there as is evidence by the outpouring love in comments written by others.